Tag: eighties

  • Pimp Your Shoes

    Pimp Your Shoes

    MTV Circa 2005 is probably rolling in it’s bedazzled grave after this one. Today, I’ll be showing you how to add a dash of sartorial pizazz to your shoes. Although ideally the fabric covering our bodies creates a cohesive statement with the material encasing our feet, it’s rare that the two elements share space. Did…

  • What’s Your Fancy Threshold?

    What’s Your Fancy Threshold?

    The time for Couture Fall 2015 has arrived and with it one resounding sentiment hammering at my psyche. Who in the hell dresses up this much and enjoys it? Don’t get me wrong, I love getting gussied up and feeling pretty just as much as the next female. But a floor length, jewel encrusted gown…

  • A Fourth of July Miracle: The Ugliest Shorts in the World get a Makeover

    A Fourth of July Miracle: The Ugliest Shorts in the World get a Makeover

    Perfecting the art of thrifting is not for the faint of heart. Seasoned veterans know to walk into each store prepared to battle the tackiest of cast-offs, pit-stains galore and enough polyester to outfit the entire state of Texas. The key to thrifting stardom lies in the ability to think outside the box. See a…

  • Abercrombie & Fitch: Remixed

    Abercrombie & Fitch: Remixed

    Although the smell of mothballs is nice, I have to say my favorite aspect of thrifting is imagining each item’s previous owner. If shopping were Kindergarten, the aforementioned activity is storytime. (Note to self: Bring juice and crackers to next thrift outing) The image conjured up after wearing today’s featured denim is a strange one…

  • Trail Blazer.

    Trail Blazer.

    I was diligently browsing the racks of the local coalition a few weeks ago, when a flash of stripes and Albert Einstein-level bright colors stopped me in my tracks. The perpetrator happened to be the most eighties-tastic oversized blazer I had ever seen. And the cost? All of fifty cents. I thought I had hit…

  • To Mom Jean or Not to Mom Jean

    To Mom Jean or Not to Mom Jean

    With the rise of the infamous hipster phenomenon came a newfangled sartorial notion. Stereotypically tacky pieces are suddenly being celebrated by stars and fashion girls alike. What would have been deemed heinous ten years ago is often now coveted like little bits of shoulder-padded gold. How did this happen? Are we all just so sick…