Tag: blog

  • Here’s one more way to wear your vintage scarf

    Here’s one more way to wear your vintage scarf

    There’s been a territory dispute raging around my skull for some time now. I feel about a vintage scarf the way Jiro feels about his sushi. Especially when they’re simultaneously silk and eccentric. And I live to tie them in strange ways around my neck. But I also enjoy earrings the size of Spongebob Squarepants…

  • Sustainable Style Candy: Ivy and Toot

    Sustainable Style Candy: Ivy and Toot

    Frankenstein probably doesn’t immediately strike you as a sartorial paradigm, huh? Forget the neck screws and bear with me for a second. It’s actually a simple concept: take a bunch of old, formerly obsolete stuff, create a new entity out of it. Sure, Mary Shelley applied all of that to humans and made one big…

  • Vibe ‘n’ Imbibe: Mama Magnolia

    Vibe ‘n’ Imbibe: Mama Magnolia

    Ah, Winter. The callous reminder that we homo sapiens originated in Africa. Near the equator.   Today, though the seasonal sprouting of Polar Bear-like fur would have been nice, I’m here to remind you of two of the many wonderful ways in which our ancestors did us a genetic solid. Bipedalism. All the better to…

  • The Perks of Wearing a Festive Hat

    The Perks of Wearing a Festive Hat

    We humans have devised many a creative way to protect our beloved brains: Helmets. Sombreros. Literature. The options range wider than Michael Phelps’ wing span. But once Winter rears its snuggly head, that myriad of choices invariably dwindles down to a single species of hat. We call them Beanies. Unfortunately. The extent of your experience…

  • In Celebration of our Lower Halves

    In Celebration of our Lower Halves

    Attention: The party has been temporarily relocated from within the pants to the actual pants themselves, with a feisty pre-game session to be had in the form of chunky disco shoes. I’d like to take a few sentences and give credit where credit is exceedingly due. Our lower halves. To begin: the body part that…

  • The Real OG: Pondering Pierre Balmain

    The Real OG: Pondering Pierre Balmain

    I awakened Wednesday of last week and began the day as usual. Calisthenics with Vladimir, my personal trainer.   Thirty minutes of scales, Beethoven and Rachmaninoff at the Piano forte. Two and a half raw eggs. Bee pollen smoothie ‘cause I was feeling extra peckish. Ten minute mirror pep talk culminating in a twenty second…

  • Pimp Your Shoe: Runway Diva Edition

    Pimp Your Shoe: Runway Diva Edition

    Welcome to this episode of Pimp Your Shoe with your host, The Garbage Lady. What’s that? There’s an elephant looming in the corner of my blogosphere? Ah. Yes. That would be my horrendous walking utensils. Let’s forge ahead and lay it all out there, shall we? My feet have more cracks than Indiana Jones’ whip…

  • Humor Me: My Slam Dunk Story

    Humor Me: My Slam Dunk Story

    “ONE MORE! ONE MORE! ONE MORE!” This crowd is wild like an all-day Nat Geo marathon. Time to up my game. My arm extends toward the prized destination as if on its own accord. Some may call this destiny. I call it another day on the job. As my expertly poised limb arcs high further…

  • Let’s Examine: CutandChic Vintage

    Let’s Examine: CutandChic Vintage

    I look at Vintage much like I look at tequila. Potent. Charismatic. Best when mixed. Wearing a certain era of vintage shouldn’t feel akin to wearing a costume. I prefer it to be sprinkled, perhaps dolloped, but certainly not lathered all at once. At times I dial it up to serve as the nucleus to…

  • HeartBelt Musings

    HeartBelt Musings

    I think you’ll recognize the type I’m about to expound upon. Even if her existence is confined to the realms of television and self-help books. Picture the woman who not only owns a planner, but actually writes stuff in it. Her phone screen remains unscathed by the archetypal inebriated tumbles of mere mortals. Calling the…