Tag: writing

  • Happy Hour Is Calling. No, But Really.

    Happy Hour Is Calling. No, But Really.

    *Beep* Heyyyyyyyyyayayayayayayayyyyyyyyayay. *Hiccup* It’s ME your Happy Hour!   *Chortle* I’ve been thinking. Let’s CHANGE this stupid dumb name they gave me. Nobody likes HAPPY if people liked HAPPY they wouldn’t watch TV shows called “Naked and Afraid” or “Fear Factor” or “Sister Wives”. Let’s make this INTERESTING. I did a list of namer changer…

  • Startup Seeking Unpaid CEO Intern

    Startup Seeking Unpaid CEO Intern

    Position Description: Startup seeking rockstar of a CEO intern! Passion for CEO’ing is a must. Our ideal candidate is a hardworking  go-getter who’s creative and detail oriented, but not so much that you notice we aren’t paying you. If you’re a motivated, driven, ambitious (and rich) college student interested in the corporate domination industry, then…

  • Humor Me: My Slam Dunk Story

    Humor Me: My Slam Dunk Story

    “ONE MORE! ONE MORE! ONE MORE!” This crowd is wild like an all-day Nat Geo marathon. Time to up my game. My arm extends toward the prized destination as if on its own accord. Some may call this destiny. I call it another day on the job. As my expertly poised limb arcs high further…

  • Let’s Examine: CutandChic Vintage

    Let’s Examine: CutandChic Vintage

    I look at Vintage much like I look at tequila. Potent. Charismatic. Best when mixed. Wearing a certain era of vintage shouldn’t feel akin to wearing a costume. I prefer it to be sprinkled, perhaps dolloped, but certainly not lathered all at once. At times I dial it up to serve as the nucleus to…

  • Pimp Your Shoes

    Pimp Your Shoes

    MTV Circa 2005 is probably rolling in it’s bedazzled grave after this one. Today, I’ll be showing you how to add a dash of sartorial pizazz to your shoes. Although ideally the fabric covering our bodies creates a cohesive statement with the material encasing our feet, it’s rare that the two elements share space. Did…

  • Take a Look: Seamly.co

    Take a Look: Seamly.co

    They say romance is dead. Articles pop up relentlessly on the world wide web lamenting that social media (I’m looking at you, Tinder) has squashed our ability to have healthy, committed relationships. Though I partially agree with those sentiments, I think it’s high time we realize that the same issues apply to our bond, or…

  • 10 Times I Tried to Look Normal in a Photo and 100% Failed

    10 Times I Tried to Look Normal in a Photo and 100% Failed

    I won’t be surprised when Kendall Jenner hits me up asking for tips after this display of photographic excellence.